Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pressures on.

Well I have a Website to finish,2 exams coming up, Final exams in 3-4weeks and 3 varius assignments to do.

Welcome to College, No one ever said it was going to be easy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Goddamn Labs

What the hell is CIT doing. More then half the labs have either outdated software,Missing pluggins or don't even have the most basic software!

Why is it impossible to get some proper Netbeans or Eclipse installations in the labs other than IT1.3 which is 90% of the time occupied.

Seriously its infurating being unable to do anything outside of IT1.3

Friday, October 31, 2008

What a time for game releases

With the release of Far Cry 2,Fallout 3,Fable 2(All sequals hmm...) either last week or this week and with a ass load of asignments I am stumped. Where the hell am I to find the time.

Anyone with knowledge of time travel please contact me.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another Week,Another blog post

Well nothing much to report. Got the new Space Marine codex,Suitably overpowered rules for Games Workshops flagship army. Makes me want to start an Imperial Fists army.

The website is coming along,We've been working 0n the CSS and have the basic layout down. Now its just to do the info.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My blog has been un-spam tagged. Hurray for the good Admins at Blogger.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What the hell?

So they've locked my blog but apparently I can still access the new post menu. Either they have a rather poor system to lock you out or this will never see the light of day.

Oh well here goes nothing.

Edit: Success I've posted. Lets hope they realise this isn't a spam blog.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 2: Arise Minions

Funny web comic recently discovered. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. Suitably insane and quite funny.